Hello, BT Community
Welcome to the Bear Tavern PTO website!
Here you will find current information for the PTO, communications for your classrooms, and information about upcoming activities and events!
We are excited for the 2024-2025 school year! Bear Tavern is an incredible community and wouldn't be what it is today without the great relationships between the teachers, students, and BTPTO. Take a look around to see some of the BTPTO activities and events, and items that our community donations fund: Assemblies, Picnics, Field Trips, Innovation Expo, OLA & Gardens, Classroom Technology & Supplies, Spirit Wear, Alumni Scholarships, & Special Project Mini-Grants. We are here to help and look forward to your participation this year.
Website Access/Student Directory Information:
To access all of the features of the BTPTO website you will need to create an account and password. We protect our student/family information and only those with a confirmed account will have access to the items that are password protected. Please click here for instructions to create your account/password with our website partner MembershipTookit (MTK) Please note that if you are creating your account prior to Homeroom assignments being released, please leave the teacher/homeroom selection blank - this can be updated by you (all of the directory information is self-managed) once assignments are released. Questions?/Info: Caitlin Stratuik - caitlin.stratuik@gmail.com
Please confirm your data and then check out our current volunteer opportunities!!

Please note: The online student directory and mobile app directory is a publication for the Bear Tavern PTO and is strictly for PTO business, personal, non-commercial use by students, parents, PTO and staff of Bear Tavern Elementary School. Be sure to download the Membership Toolkit Mobile App.

24-25 BT Calendar
- Monday, February 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Monday, March 31
- Tuesday, April 1
- Wednesday, April 2